On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 09:41:40PM -0600, Derek Scherger wrote:
> Committed in rev 0d53349ddb2728ddf1342cdfe69810840bef5252. I've also done
> something similar to the log command and this made a *huge* difference. On
> my laptop logging net.venge.monotone back to the root took around 9 minutes.
> With this change it takes around 4 seconds.

From 5 minutes to 3 seconds on my desktop. Nice!

However, a minor problem: in cases where two keys signed a revision,
log will now show the changelog and branch certs twice. This is mostly
visible on merge certs.

Also (very minor, AFIACT): datestamps and author ids of certs with
multiple signers are printed in a different order than prior. I'm not
sure if anything cares about that, though.


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