On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 09:13:47PM +0100, Philipp Gr?schler wrote:

> Two questions:
> - Why did you mark it unstable?

I would personally think that, especially given mtn's excellent test
suite for detecting regressions, 0.43 is probably the most stable
version, but that is not how things work in ebuild land (at least as I
understand it) - updated ebuilds are marked as unstable by
default. (Posting PRs to bugs.gentoo.org saying version X.Y.Z worked
with <emerge --info output here> often can cause that particular
version to be bumped to stable for the arch in question).

> - Who is currently maintaining the Monotone ebuilds on Gentoo and should we 
> perhaps do this ourselves?

Based on the changelog and my own experiences, Daniel Black
(dragonhe...@gentoo.org) does most of the work on the monotone ebuild
on the Gentoo side. I don't think there is any one person regularly
producing new ebuild versions though - I've done a few, as have, it
appears, about 3-4 other people (http://tiny.cc/wBaKk)


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