On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Timothy Brownawell <tbrow...@prjek.net> wrote:
>> I added both the wait on line 18 of the hook and the "check" line that
>> I think you're referring to, in revision
>> ca9e27455b19faae0b4381613a18dec47a46b1de.  This does seem to have
>> eliminated the race condition, but may well have made the test no
>> longer test anything meaningful...
> Oh, hmm. Well, I think that actually helps a bit since now it makes sure
> that the output file really was created in addition to checking that the
> command got executed.
> But now that I think about it, that test really says nothing useful and
> would only have been meaningful in the old GNU Autotest testsuite. It's
> meant to check that the spawn_redirected() call works properly, but that
> call is used internally in the tester for pretty much every command it
> executes. If it did break, probably every single test would fail.

Maybe we should just delete the test then?  Or move it to tester_tests
somehow (and make it not use the main 'mtn' executable)?


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