On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 05:37:38PM -0700, J Decker wrote:
> (I did find a work around: if I run it as a user account, it kindly
> fails[eaccess], and proceeds....  )

So, this bug is completely my fault rather than anything the monotone
devs did - I never thought to test the /proc walking code as root.
There are a couple of ways to fix this I can think of off the top of
my head; probably using select or equivalent to limit read attempts to
a small timeout will be the safest and most general. I'll get
something to resolve this into the next release of botan, but until
then your options seem to be either to continue running mtn as
non-root, or to recompile botan and disabling the /proc walker (using
./configure.pl --disable-module=proc_walk).

Thank you for the report and sorry about the mess,


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