Update of bug #28799 (project monotone):

                Category:              networking => performance            
      mtn version --full:                mtn-0.46 => mtn-0.46, 0.47         


Follow-up Comment #3:

Agree -> This is not a hangup but monotone is just incredibly slow at reading
big packets (is this only here?).

(It just happened that I had big files in my home folder)

$ ls -l /home/zbigg/bar/
total 984
-rw-r--r-- 1 zbigg zbigg 1000000 2010-04-29 14:08 one_megabyte_file
$ time mtn --keydir /home/zbigg/bar ls keys
mtn: no keys found

real    0m52.541s
user    0m52.450s
sys     0m0.080s
|i686| zb...@home:/home/zbigg/bar

This is in read_packets(packets.cc) bug which tries to read packet in 255
byte chunks and suffers heavily with "Shlemiel the painter's algorithm"
problem (constantly searches buffer for [end] string). Probably some
Optimization is needed here. (Wandering if this doesn't affect overall
monotone performance)


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