On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Thomas Keller <m...@thomaskeller.biz> wrote:

> I've just talked with Thomas Moschny on IRC and I listened again to his
> and other people's concerns about switching too fast to 1.0. I think the
> concerns are reasonable, so we've discussed this issue and concluded the
> following:
> * The next version of monotone will be named 0.99 and will be the last
>  version before the final 1.0.0 is out

I agree with the general concern that we've had a few branches land lately.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least to hear some screaming when people
start using the new changelog editor functionality for example. Also,
restrictions have been changed a bit, diff has also changed slightly, etc.

Hopefully these changes are all good and generally liked, but the idea of
changing a bunch of behaviour and then releasing 1.0 shortly afterwards
seems a bit questionable.

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