
$ mtn db init -d mtn.db
$ mtn pull -d mtn.db 'net.venge.monotone.*'

with monotone 0.47 under Linux, midway though the checkout CPU usage
remained high but no more revisions came in. Seven hours later at 100%
CPU usage, I killed the process. This looks like a bug.

I tried the 0.46 Linux binary from the monotone web-site and it seemed
to have the same issue (although I didn't run it for as long as 0.47). I
had no issues with the 0.45 binary, which completed the checkout in
around 20 mins.

I guess something in monotone branches is giving it the issue, as
pulling just 'net.venge.monotone' works fine for me.

Can others replicate? I guess try locally if possible to avoid undue
stress on


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