On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Thomas Keller <m...@thomaskeller.biz> wrote:

> Hi!
> We, the monotone developers, are very proud to announce the new 0.48
> release of our distributed version control system.
Thanks for your work! Windows version is available.


Minor heads up for release manager.

t:monotone-0.48 doesn't build on win32 because of compilation error. Error
is trivial (patch attached) and Windows version of monotone-0.48 will not
exactly match revision tagged as monotone-0.48.

(anyone who made this change in win32/parse_date.cc ... if you don't have
win32 build env in under your hand please ping me even using private e-mail
and i can recheck build before release, unfortunately i can't supply mingw32

Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / http://zbigg.blogspot.com /

Attachment: monotone_0.48_mingw_fix.patch
Description: Binary data

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