
I understand your point of view and appreciate your efforts. Please
continue to maintain the msys2 documentation.

I'm not quite satisfied with the general guide for Windows, though, so
please allow me to write something. I think that may well fit into
INSTALL itself.

Do you have any useful hints for what build system to choose for
Windows? I mean Cygwin vs the others is somewhat obvious - either you
want that POSIX emulation layer or you don't. But all of the MinGW
versions confuse me a lot. Why did you choose MinGW64 over MinGW-w64 (!)
[0], for example? What about the different C++ exception and threading
models? Which one did you (or mingw/msys2) use? What effect do these
options possibly have on monotone? Let alone the issue of
cross-compiling 32-bit binaries from a 64-bit system & tool chain. (And
vice versa?) And then there is also MSVC...

Granted, most of that should be MinGW / Msys / MinGW-w64 project
documentation. And I certainly agree with you that their docs need some
love. I find it hard to believe they are not interested in good
documentation. Maybe they are not interested in monotone build
protocols, yes.

Of course, we cannot ever test all possible combinations. We don't do
that on any Unix, either. But rather than listing just one or two very
specific combinations, we can still state the options, their
requirements, what's known to work or fail (for example the issue you
faced with gcc 4.6.2).

FWIW, I also plan to keep my buildbot on msys 1.0, for now. While I
don't intend to maintain the INSTALL_windows_mingw.txt document to the
level of detail you used to do it, I'd still like to keep something in
there that clarifies that MinGW / Msys 1.0 is known to work. Dropping
the file, as you suggested, would lose that knowledge.

I'll eventually write up something.


Markus Wanner

[0] the MinGW-w64 download page:

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