
On 07.12.2011 19:00, johnHolmes wrote:
> I'have recently developed a small application using monotouch. The
> applications works fine except I'm unable to have "system" or "specialized"
> controls like UITabBarItems or MFMailComposeViewController localized
> (translated) in languages other then English. My testing device is an
> iphone4 and is configured to use Italian as culture. The application runs
> fine, but titles of UITabBarItems or the buttons of the
> MFMailComposeViewController still show English text. How to have them
> translated in Italian?

Add this to your Info.plist using a text editor:


Previous MonoDevelop versions used to have GUI for this setting (IIRC),
but I can't find it anymore. Maybe it got lost during the redesign
of the Info.plist editor...


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