
For the upcoming MonoDevelop 3.0 release, I've implemented support for
Microsoft's Portable Library projects which Mono4Android and MonoTouch
projects will be able to reference.

This solves the problem you are facing in a much simpler and more robust

Hope that helps,


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Pure Krome <
pure.kr...@world-domination.com.au> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've found that working in Mono-Develop- isn't as fast as working in Visual
> Studio 2010. That's fine. So I've been doing my Tests (xUnit) and class
> libraries in VS2010. Commit to GitHub/BitBucket.
> Now, I switch over to my Mac, pull latest.
> My MonoTouch Iphone application has it's own specific targetting. Also, I
> can't reference the normal .NET 4.0 targetted class library projects.
> As such, I've had to do some hacky crapy stuff.
> For each project and solution, in my solution .. I have a second copy which
> targets the IOS platform. So if i have a single class library project that
> target's .NET 4.0 .. i have a second .proj file that targets the
> MonoForIPhone framework / compile target: Library .. and INCLUDES all those
> same files (from the normal .NET 4.0 .proj) into this.
> Works great, but it a PITA. Especially if i add/remove/rename some files in
> the .NET 4.0 targetted proj file and forget to 'update/refresh' the IOS
> one.
> So .. It would be -really really awesome- if we could include a .MonoTouch
> (dot monotouch) file into the root folder .. just like how I have a
> .gitignore file in there.
> This file can list some simple info like
> myapplication.classlibrary.proj MonoForIPhone
> myapplication.tests.proj MonoForIPhone
> so this would say, those two projects .. they should target
> MonoForIPhonewhen opened up in MonoDevelop.
> This way, I wouldn't need to have a 2nd IOS proj file for every proj i have
> .. and a 2nd sln file for every 2nd IOS proj file i've had to make.
> But but but! There is a good reason it's targetting a different framework.
> Mono/.NET 4.0 framework is not the same as MonoForIPhone framework.
> Yep. 1500000% agreed. But I'm very -happy- with that risk. Meaning, if I'm
> dumb enough to compile my project against .NET 4.0 with some code that
> doesn't exist in the MonoForIPhone framework .. and when I open up that
> proj
> and MonoTouch see's the .MonoTouch file, converts the target framework to
> MonoForIPhone and compile errors. I'm kewl with that. 100% completely.
> Fully
> acceptable.
> So - good idea/Bad idea?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://monotouch.2284126.n4.nabble.com/Suggestion-Would-really-love-a-dot-MonoTouch-file-tp4591784p4591784.html
> Sent from the MonoTouch mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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