Thanks Jeff

Will drill down through your ideas during this weekend and into next week.
I'm already logging a few issues - but don't want to log too many when I
know I'm working on the edge of the dev curve.

What sort of thing do you need to know for the profiles - I've got this

And I've also got very helpful contact from Daniel (@dsplaisted) within the
MS PCL/PLP team if that helps - he seems genuinely really keen to see PCLs
used across all platforms.


On 25 May 2012 15:22, Jeff Stedfast <> wrote:

> Hi Stuart,
> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:02 AM, slodge <> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I'm still plugging away at trying to get Portable Library projects to work
>> fully across wp7, winrt, droid and touch.
>> I'm especially trying this as it will deliver lots of benefits in terms of
>> refactoring and csproj project management to me as a cross platform
>> developer.
>> I've previously managed to:
>> - get all projects to build in VS2010 - using VSMonoTouch with a fair
>> amount
>> of hacking -
>> - get all projects to run in wp7, winrt and monodroid from the PC
>> - get MonoTouch/MonoDevelop on the Mac to load Portable Library Project
>> files - but this seems only to work if I force the Profile type to
>> "Profile1"
>> - get MonoTouch projects to use Portable Class Libraries if I add them as
>> compiled references rather than as project references.
>> However, there are still a few gaps I'm trying to fill - all of them on
>> MonoDevelop on the Mac:
>> 1. I don't seem to be able to find any way to load PLPs project files in
>> MonoDevelop outside of Profile1 - if the .csproj file contains anything
>> other than Profile1 in
>> `<TargetProfileFramework>Profile1</TargetProfileFramework>` then it won't
>> load.
> Hmm, this seems like a bug. I'll look into this. Could you submit a bug
> report to for tracking? The "IPhone Add-In"
> component is a good place to submit these (that should auto-assign the bugs
> to me).
>> 2. I can't work out how to edit the installed profiles. Ideally I'd like
>> to
>> go even further than Profile 4 - ideally I'd like to extend this all the
>> way
>> up to Profile 104 as I can then link in my own type
>> redirection/substitution
>> stubs for the limited required System.Net and System.Windows assemblies.
> There's currently no editor UI for this because we currently do not have
> any of the XML files that define the profiles, so the only way to have done
> it would have been to hard-code the profile names and relations.
> We want to eventually have full support for .NETPortable projects and be
> compatible with Microsoft, but we do not currently have the XML / API
> definitions for the profiles as part of Mono. It *is* in our queue to
> figure out how to generate these, because long-term we agree that this is
> the way forward.
> Once we find a way to include those in Mono, it'll become a high priority
> to implement a UI for selecting these profile configurations.
>> 3. I can't work out how to reference portable library projects from
>> MonoTouch projects - I can add the references, but as soon as I select a
>> configuration like "Debug|iPhoneSimulator" then the PLP is greyed out and
>> "not build in active configuration" appears.
> What configurations does it work with? I could have sworn this worked.
> Could you submit a bug for this one, too?
> I'll look into this one as well.
>> I appreciate that much of what I'm trying here is on the edge of what has
>> currently been tried, and I realise that some of the features I'm trying
>> to
>> use are only available in Beta from Microsoft, but I really strongly
>> believe
>> in this as the way forwards - so that's why I'm trying so hard to get it
>> working :)
> We think it's the way forward, too.
>> Has anyone got any ideas about what I could try to move this forwards? I
>> am
>> toying with the monodevelop source code right now, but haven't really
>> gotten
>> very far into it yet. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I'd love to
>> hear them.
> The easiest way to poke around the .NETPortable stuff is probably to use
> `git log --author=jeff` and then search for .NETPortable (it's how I remind
> myself where the source files are!)
> For example, one of the source files
> is: 
> main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects/PortableDotNetProject.cs
> Hope that helps,
> Jeff
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