BTW - what is that "color":

baseView.BackgroundColor = Resources.*MoleskineBackgroundColor*;
//it's a color, but it's a pattern....

Is that actually *UIImage* just named as "color" - or some other trick?

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Phil Cockfield <> wrote:

> That is awesome *Nic*!
> Thank you very much.  Both that  sample repo by James, and your
> extrapolation of the concept in sample code is a brilliant start for me.
> Also - want to say it again - your 
> webcast<>the 
> other day was hugely helpful.  A really really really great
> presentation.
> --
> *Phil *Cockfield
> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Nic Wise <> wrote:
>> James Clancey has done a basic version of it:
>> I've not seen anything else, tho. But on the surface, it shouldn't be too
>> hard. Two views, one under the other. Trigger something (button) and
>> animate the top view away. Trigger something (gesture?) and animate it back
>> in.
>> I did a basic one, with a huge UIImageView as the background, and you hit
>> something, and it just scrolled over the show the left side.
>> so, assuming you have a 320x2 x 480 image (non-retina) as the background
>> view (BaseView), the button (trigger) just calls SetInitialPage(0, true)
>> for the left side, and 0,true for the right side.
>> BaseView = new UIView(new RectangleF(new PointF(0,0), 
>> Resources.Background.Size)); //Resources.Background is the big 
>> image!baseView.BackgroundColor = Resources.MoleskineBackgroundColor; //it's 
>> a color, but it's a pattern....View.AddSubview(baseView);
>> //just add it into the View's view... this is all just in a
>> UIViewController
>> public void TogglePage()        {            page = (page == 1) ? 0 : 1;     
>>        SetInitialPage(page);            sideButton.SetTitle((page == 1) ? 
>> "<<" : ">>", UIControlState.Normal);        }        public override void 
>> SetInitialPage(int page, bool animate = true)        {            if 
>> (animate)            {                UIView.BeginAnimations("pagescroll");  
>>               UIView.SetAnimationDuration(0.75f);                
>> UIView.SetAnimationCurve(UIViewAnimationCurve.EaseInOut);            }       
>>      if (page == 0)            {                   var baseViewBounds = 
>> BaseView.Bounds;                baseViewBounds.X = 0;                
>> BaseView.Bounds = baseViewBounds;            } else {                var 
>> baseViewBounds = BaseView.Bounds;                baseViewBounds.X = 
>> BaseView.Bounds.Width - 320;                BaseView.Bounds = 
>> baseViewBounds;            }            if (animate)            {            
>>     UIView.CommitAnimations();            }            
>> base.SetInitialPage(page, animate);        }
>> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Phil Cockfield <>wrote:
>>> I'm trying to do something akin to the emerging UI pattern of "side
>>> navigation" that you see in apps like *Facebook* and *Path*.
>>> This is where the root navigation options are shown via a bezel swipe
>>> from the left, which peels the main app view mostly off screen, leaving a
>>> hint of it still showing (say a 44px strip), with the navigation options
>>> presenting themselves as having been sitting "under" the screen.
>>> This pattern is detailed here:
>>> How would I go about achieving something like this in MonoTouch?  It
>>> seems like a significant variant from from the *UINavigationController*does.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>>  *Phil *Cockfield
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>> --
>> Nic Wise
>> t.  +44 7788 592 806 | @fastchicken |
>> b.
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*Phil *Cockfield
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