
> Would  System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException help to get more
> info?

It might actually (but the app will still exit though, so if you're storing
data on disk / sending data over the network, make sure you flush all
pending writes before you return from this event handler, otherwise the
data will most likely get lost)


> There is no Application class, so no Application.UnhandledException like
> in Silverlight (MT is superset right?)
> and no Application.ThreadException?
> Is there something like in Android?
>     Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser +=
>         new
> EventHandler<RaiseThrowableEventArgs>(AndroidEnvironment_UnhandledExceptionRaiser);
> thanks
> mel
>  Rolf
>> Dino
>> *From:* Rolf Bjarne Kvinge [mailto:r...@xamarin.com]
>> *Sent:* Monday, September 17, 2012 17:20
>> *To:* Dean Cleaver
>> *Cc:* monotouch@lists.ximian.com
>> *Subject:* Re: [MonoTouch] Crash report
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Dean Cleaver <
>> dean.clea...@xceptionsoftware.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me what happened here? All I can see of my code is
>> "Main". Monotouch 5.2.12.
>> Incident Identifier: ECFDAC99-3389-4461-B308-2BABDBD8C70E
>> CrashReporter Key:   e3ee7a53e9c5dc44ed2ddc1e8227168178a359ac
>> Hardware Model:      iPhone3,1
>> Process:         KleverLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet [1243]
>> Path:
>> /var/mobile/Applications/2B6E7198-A754-45F6-90A7-C18113AD17A2/KleverLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet.app/KleverLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet
>> Identifier:      KleverLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet
>> Version:         ??? (???)
>> Code Type:       ARM (Native)
>> Parent Process:  launchd [1]
>> Date/Time:       2012-09-16 18:42:24.323 -0500
>> OS Version:      iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
>> Report Version:  104
>> Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
>> Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
>> Crashed Thread:  0
>> Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
>> Thread 0 Crashed:
>> 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x317eb32c __pthread_kill + 8
>> 1   libsystem_c.dylib              0x33ee8208 pthread_kill + 48
>> 2   libsystem_c.dylib              0x33ee1298 abort + 88
>> 3   ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d7db28 mono_handle_native_sigsegv
>> (mini-exceptions.c:2255)
>> 4   ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00da2dc8 sigabrt_signal_handler
>> (mini-posix.c:196)
>> 5   libsystem_c.dylib              0x33ef27e6 _sigtramp + 42
>> 6   libsystem_c.dylib              0x33ee8208 pthread_kill + 48
>> 7   libsystem_c.dylib              0x33ee1298 abort + 88
>> 8   ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e6d9ec monoeg_g_logv
>> (goutput.c:128)
>> 9   ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e6da38 monoeg_assertion_message
>> (goutput.c:152)
>> 10  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d5f650 mono_thread_abort
>> (mini.c:2639)
>> 11  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d7d430
>> mono_handle_exception_internal + 3180
>> 12  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d7d634 mono_handle_exception
>> (mini-exceptions.c:1835)
>> 13  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00da19dc mono_arm_throw_exception
>> (exceptions-arm.c:158)
>> 14  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x006d844c throw_exception + 40
>> 15  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e903d8 monotouch_exception_handler
>> (monotouch-glue.m:1084)
>> 16  CoreFoundation                 0x37634950 __handleUncaughtException +
>> 68
>> ObjectiveC threw an exception, but there are no ObjectiveC handlers for
>> it. MonoTouch tries to convert all unhandled ObjectiveC exceptions to
>> managed exceptions, but in this case failed to find any catch handlers, so
>> it ended up aborting the process.
>> More information (what exception?) should have been printed to the device
>> console.
>> If you don't have access to the device console, I recommend you add a
>> try/catch handler to your Main method and report any exceptions somewhere
>> you can read yourself before exiting the process.
>> I hope this helps,
>> Rolf
>>  17  libobjc.A.dylib                0x3533933e _objc_terminate + 122
>> 18  libc++abi.dylib                0x36d6c3be
>> _ZL19safe_handler_callerPFvvE + 70
>> 19  libc++abi.dylib                0x36d6c44a std::terminate() + 14
>> 20  libc++abi.dylib                0x36d6d81e __cxa_rethrow + 82
>> 21  libobjc.A.dylib                0x353392a2 objc_exception_rethrow + 6
>> 22  CoreFoundation                 0x3758a506 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 398
>> 23  CoreFoundation                 0x3758a366 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 98
>> 24  GraphicsServices               0x33d49432 GSEventRunModal + 130
>> 25  UIKit                          0x31336cce UIApplicationMain + 1074
>> 26  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00b6bc98
>> wrapper_managed_to_native_MonoTouch_UIKit_UIApplication_UIApplicationMain_int_string___intptr_intptr
>> (monotouch.dll.6.s:47734)
>> 27  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x007f7574
>> KleverLogic_FlashValet_iPhone_Valet_Application_Main_string__
>> (KleverLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet.exe.6.s:21141)
>> 28  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x006a443c
>> wrapper_runtime_invoke_object_runtime_invoke_dynamic_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr
>> (mscorlib.dll.6.s:152522)
>> 29  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d62d74 mono_jit_runtime_invoke
>> (mini.c:5786)
>> 30  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e1b654 mono_runtime_invoke
>> (object.c:2757)
>> 31  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e1f9ec mono_runtime_exec_main
>> (object.c:3932)
>> 32  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00e24f54 mono_runtime_run_main
>> (object.c:3562)
>> 33  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d69b6c mono_jit_exec
>> (driver.c:1112)
>> 34  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00d5dfcc main (main.m:1712)
>> 35  ...rLogicFlashValetiPhoneValet 0x00002cf0 start + 32
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> Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
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>       Voditelj projekta/Project Manager
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