UIPageControl is totally different. It just shows the dots to indicate 
which page you're on.

To enable pagination you just need to set PagingEnabled = true on the 
UITableView. That's a property of UIScrollView, and UITableView inherits 
from UIScrollView.

That said, don't enable paging on a table view. Your users will hate you. 
Everyone who uses iOS knows how a table view is supposed to behave. If you 
make scrolling work differently they will think your app is just buggy. 
Quickly scrolling through tables works really well and is one of the 
things that makes iOS feel really fast. Don't mess with a good thing.
Adam Kemp
(512) 683-6058

monotouch-boun...@lists.ximian.com wrote on 09/27/2012 03:20:10 PM:

> From: Alex White <alexwhit...@gmail.com>
> To: MonoTouch@lists.ximian.com, 
> Date: 09/27/2012 03:20 PM
> Subject: [MonoTouch] uitableview and uipagecontrol
> Sent by: monotouch-boun...@lists.ximian.com
> Hi All,
> I have a uitableview with potentially lots of records returned, I 
> would like to use pagination to control how many records get 
> returned to the user on each page, I am guessing that the 
> uipagecontrol is the way to go, am I correct, is there a better way,
> any examples for me to get some ideas from.
> Thanks
> Alex
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