And there in lies the problem. I can reproduce it - in my megalithical
project. But not in a nice, small sample.

I'll have a play on the weekend and see if I can hack something small
which does it. Or share my code with you - not a problem, but it's
old, a bit messy, and quite large.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Sebastien Pouliot
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Nic Wise <> wrote:
>> ... if anyone happens to be looking into the MT proxy code:
>> If I set a proxy (using the iOS one, usually, but I think it happens
>> if I do it in code too), then:
>> GET etc (this works)
>> GET (this doesn't work - it calls
>> and passes the url / query string for this request)
>> needless to say, doesn't understand dropbox api calls...
>> I thought it was just RestSharp, as I can't repro consistently without
>> using it, but I also can't see how RS would be doing it.... makes no
>> sense.
> If you have a test case (w/RestSharp) please file a bug report.
> There's a weird case we can't reproduce (that was reported without a
> test case) and it was also using RestSharp. There could be a bug that
> only happen when both (RestSharp + proxy) are used with MT (at least
> it would explain some things).
>> My answer has always been "dont use a proxy. Or Onavo". Lucky most
>> people dont' use them.
>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Robert Reck <> wrote:
>>> I had something similar happen very recently. I was pulling data from a 
>>> public US Government web service that did not require credentials, but I 
>>> was getting the same type of proxy 407 error. My issue turned out to be 
>>> related to a profile that was installed on my phone by another app (not 
>>> mine). Even though I had uninstalled the app and tried to remove the 
>>> profile previously, it was still stuck on there somehow and not visible 
>>> when looking in the profile section.  I found it by pure luck when I 
>>> re-installed the app in question and noticed that it thought the profile 
>>> was still installed. I forced a re-install and then removed it successfully 
>>> and my 407 errors ended.
>>> Not sure if this is your problem too, but I figured I'd mention it just in 
>>> case.
>>> Bob
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Stedfast
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:50 AM
>>> To: Brad Moore
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [MonoTouch] Auto network credentials
>>> Hi Brad,
>>> This could just be a bug in MonoTouch. I'll try to look into this as soon 
>>> as I can. You've submitted a bug report to bug ills already, right? (Pretty 
>>> sure I saw one recently filed on this)
>>> Jeff
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 26, 2012, at 2:25 AM, Brad Moore <> wrote:
>>>> Hey
>>>> Trying to load some data off my server (xml data). I normally just use 
>>>> HttpWebRequest as I can set the utomaticDecompression to 
>>>> DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate in order to use 
>>>> gzip compression of my data automatically.
>>>> Recently a client has emailed me saying that it does not work from within 
>>>> his school. Sent out another copy of the app to him via TestFlightApp to 
>>>> get more debugging info from him and the app responds with a 407 auth 
>>>> error. Since then I have set up a proxy on my computer which I redirect my 
>>>> iPhone traffic through to test on.
>>>> My original setup was like so,
>>>> HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_url);
>>>> request.CachePolicy = new
>>>> HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
>>>> request.Proxy = null;
>>>> request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip |
>>>> DecompressionMethods.Deflate; WebResponse response =
>>>> request.GetResponse();
>>>> and then so on from there.
>>>> I'd set Proxy to null because in most cases the user would not be behind a 
>>>> proxy and this cut off 1-2 seconds of proxy resolving. There is code later 
>>>> to catch this and then re-create the HttpWebRequest but by not nulling the 
>>>> proxy, which I thought would be default proxy. Apparently not so...
>>>> I tried to then get the default proxy settings of the device.
>>>> CFProxySettings proxy0 = CFNetwork.GetSystemProxySettings();
>>>> IWebProxy proxy1 = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); IWebProxy proxy2 =
>>>> HttpWebRequest.DefaultWebProxy; IWebProxy proxy3 =
>>>> HttpWebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
>>>> IWebProxy proxy4 = CFNetwork.GetDefaultProxy();
>>>> proxy1 - proxy4 have null for the credentials. proxy0 contains proxy 
>>>> information which I need such as proxy url, port, username, but no 
>>>> password...
>>>> I manually made a WebProxy with my credentials
>>>> WebProxy webProxy = new WebProxy(proxy0.HTTPProxy, proxy0.HTTPPort);
>>>> webProxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "pass");
>>>> request.Proxy = webProxy;
>>>> and this works.
>>>> Falling short of requesting username and password for the proxy on a 407 
>>>> error I am not sure what to do...
>>>> WebClient downloads do not work, but UIWebView and MKMapView does 
>>>> auto-auth itself.
>>>> Any ideas what I am missing?
>>>> - Brad
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>> --
>> Nic Wise
>> t.  +44 7788 592 806 | @fastchicken |
>> b.
>> mobileAgent (for FreeAgent): get your accounts in your pocket.
>> Trip Wallet: Keep track of your budget on the go:
>> Earnest: Self-employed? Track your business expenses and income.
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>> London Bike App: Find the nearest Boris Bike, and get riding! 
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Nic Wise
t.  +44 7788 592 806 | @fastchicken |

mobileAgent (for FreeAgent): get your accounts in your pocket.
Trip Wallet: Keep track of your budget on the go:
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