Event: Downtown "Davidson" Soccer League When: 3/6/2005 Time: 4 pm to 6 pm Where: Barrio 19th St. Park 19th st/ 9th av Tucson 85701 Cost: free
----> Event Description <---------------------------------------------------------
SUNDAYS 4pm. Soccer game, kcicking the ball around for a while, loose rules - i don't
think we ever counted points since we've began playing. beginners and all levels/
abilities welcome,
----> Venue Info <----------------------------------------------------------------
Barrio 19th St. Park 19th st/ 9th av Tucson 85701 park is between 9th and 10th av, south of 19th street.
----> TucsonUnderground <---------------------------------------------------------
TucsonUnderground http://www.tucsonunderground.com supporting tucson's cultural community
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