Hi Stevan!

On Friday 09 May 2008, Stevan Little wrote:
> Shlomi,
> On May 8, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Shlomif's Tenth Law of Perl OOP: "Every sufficiently complex
> > Class::Accessor
> > program contains contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-
> > ridden, slow
> > implementation of half of Moose."
> Very nice, I like that quote, if you don't mind I will likely include
> it in the YAPC::NA talk I am gonna give.

No, I don't mind at all, and it will be a pleasure to see myself quoted there. 
(An attribution would be nice, and linking to the original Greenspun quote).

There are more quotes by me here:

* http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html

* http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/

> Skimming over your code, I think you could save a lot of code by
> moving to Moose, and using some MooseX:: (specifically
> MooseX::AttribtueHelpers, MooseX::Object::Pluggable, and likely a few
> more too).

I see, thanks. I'll probably consult you people on IRC about some stuff.

> You will find, as others who are porting other Class::Accessor code
> to Moose, that there are some Class::Accessor-isms that conflict with
> Moose-isms so be watchful during the port.  Otherwise, i think you
> will find you can clean up your code pretty well using Moose :)

OK, thanks. I think I'll set up a separate svn branch on svn.berlios.de for 
the Moose conversion, so I'll be able to do the conversion incrementally 
without breaking the trunk and so that I can continue fixing bugs, etc. in 
the trunk in case I need to.

Thanks again.


        Shlomi Fish

> - Stevan

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Parody on "The Fountainhead" - http://xrl.us/bjria

The bad thing about hardware is that it sometimes work and sometimes doesn't.
The good thing about software is that it's consistent: it always does not
work, and it always does not work in exactly the same way.

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