John Napiorkowski wrote:
Just curious, how would you feel about an implimentation of dependent types 
where the functional element was predefined and more explicit, such as (syntax 
hypothetical and only partly implemented...)

I am fine with one being able to create, change, and delete the definitions of data types at runtime, and in fact in the general case of a long-running program I would expect to be able to do so.

What I expect is that the set of (allowed) member values of a data type is invariant except by changing the definition of the data type.

And so, a value selector ("object constructor" / "new()") routine, whose existence and definition automatically falls out of its type's definition (that is, the act of defining a type also declares that routine), must be a pure function (that can't invoke 'now'), so that for the entire time that the actual definition of the type does not change, neither does the set of values / objects allowed to be selected / constructed of that type.

However, you are free to create or alter or delete the actual data type definitions themselves as often as you like, and the process of doing that can of course be dynamic, where runtime-derived values such as the current result of 'now' can be used as a parameter to the definition of the type.

The way I like to think about things is that, while internally the step of making or changing a type definition, and selecting values of that type, are internally atomic, they are mutually discrete steps in time.

For example, here are numbered steps in time:

0.  No Foo type or Foo values exist.
1.  Fetch current datetime and store in $now variable.
2. Declare type Foo (and its selector/constructor) using the value in $now in its definition.
3.  Work with type Foo, selecting and using its values in other variables etc.
4.  Fetch current datetime into $now.
5.  Alter definition of type Foo using current value of $now.
6.  Work with type Foo.
7.  Repeat steps 4-6 often as you like.
8.  Delete type Foo when done with it.

My key point here is that any impure activity like updating $now with the current date is done *outside* of either the act of defining or using the Foo type.

Keeping a program defined like this, with separated pure and impure actions, where the two are associated sequentially in discrete points in time, allows for cleaner and more deterministic coding. You can effectively have your DateInThePast type from the perspective of users, but with my proposed design above, you control exactly when the concept of 'now' changes. The idea here is that doing it my way will ensure that the concept of 'now' will never vary within an operation over whose life it is expected to be a constant. And also, the pure sections can be easier to optimize or memoize because they can safely assume that things one expects to stay constant will do so, until you explicitly change them at controlled times. Using 'now' directly everywhere you want to test for the current date is uncontrolled, especially if you invoke it multiple times in the same value or constraint expression.

Now, this all said, I think the concept of a DateInThePast type still sounds rather like a bad program design and should be avoided. While you should be able to alter types at runtime, there are more practical scenarios where that would be done, and typically doing so would be infrequent (such as a type representing a list of valid status codes, or representing the format of what is considered a well-formed address). But I mentioned DateInThePast as an example because that is what was used before. In practice one should still just have a Date type and just have appropriate is-in-past conditionals in the main program where it actually matters.

-- Darren Duncan

dependent subtype DateBefore($upper_date DateTime),
  as $lower_date DateTime,
  where {
    $lower_date < $upper_date;

might be used like (mentally assume a coercion on the date string please):

## ->check($upper_date, $lower_date
DateBefore->check('01-01-2009', '01-01-2000'); ## ok
DateBefore->check('01-01-2009', '01-01-3000'); ## NOT ok

In this case the type is explicitly marked as functional and the requirements 
are known upfront and introspectable.  I guess the only issue for introspect 
and reusability is the fact that the meat of the constraint in in the coderef, 
but this could be solved with some sort of type trait mechanism.  Consider:

dependent subtype DateBefore($upper_date DateTime),
  as $lower_date DateTime,
  having isLessThan {

Still very hypothetical syntax but I hope you get the idea.  Curious to get 
your thoughts (or anyone else's)

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