On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 12:31:35AM +0100, Mark Morgan wrote:
> In my case, I'm attempting to ensure that only a single attribute is
> marked as 'asdf' for a given class. The specified attribute would be
> treated specially during constuction

  package My::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Highlander;
  use Moose::Role;
  before attach_to_class => sub {
    my ($self, $metaclass) = @_;
    my ($existing) = grep {
    } $metaclass->get_all_attributes;
    die "Can't add another highlander to "
      . $metaclass->name
      . " (found " . $existing->name . ")"
      if $existing;

Untested, but you should be able to tweak this if it doesn't work right away.

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