You cannot attached coercions to parameterized types directly. Try
this ..
class_type 'DateTime';
# alias the Maybe[DateTime] type ...
subtype 'MightBeADateTimeObjectOrMightNot' as 'Maybe[DateTime]';
# insert the rest of your code here ...
This should do the trick as that is how we do it for ArrayRef[`a] and
HashRef[`a] types, although I have to admit I never actually tried
this on a Maybe[`a] type so I can't really say for sure.
- Stevan
On Jul 10, 2009, at 12:24 AM, Paul Fenwick wrote:
G'day Moosers,
I'm writing a piece of code where I'm making use of the
construct. An event may not have occurred (in which case we want
undef), or
it may have (in which case we want a DateTime object). I'm sucking
in a
hunk of XML which represents the dates, and I have code that can
convert a
hunk of XML (represented in a hash structure) into a DateTime object
or undef:
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Natural;
class_type 'DateTime';
coerce 'Maybe[DateTime]' => from 'HashRef' => via {
warn "\n\n\n*** COERCING DATETIME ***\n\n\n";
if ($_->{nil} eq "true") { return undef; }
return DateTime::Format::Natural->new->parse_datetime($_-
When trying to run this code, Moose is sad that it doesn't know
about the
Maybe[DateTime] type:
Cannot find type 'Maybe[DateTime]', perhaps you forgot to load it
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/Moose/Util/ line
If I simply try to coerce DateTime, then I can't legitimately return
because that fails the type constraint. If I declare `class_type
'Maybe[DateTime]'` then the coerce code runs, but Moose still
complains that
the type constraint fails:
Attribute (last_blog_post_at) does not pass the type constraint
Validation failed for 'Maybe[DateTime]' failed with value undef
(not isa
Maybe[DateTime]) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/Moose/Meta/ line 753
FWIW, the attribute in question looks like this:
has last_blog_post_at => ( isa => 'Maybe[DateTime]', coerce => 1 );
I'm using Moose 0.87.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
Paul Fenwick <> |
Director of Training | Ph: +61 3 9354 6001
Perl Training Australia | Fax: +61 3 9354 2681