Excerpts from Yuri Shtil's message of Tue Aug 18 12:15:03 -0700 2009:
> Actually I realized I made a mistake in my question.
> I want to be able to make an attribute read only after changing it in 
> certain places of my code. The reason is that I want to control access 
> similar to private in C++;

Don't change it to readonly; make the writer private ('_set_foo').

  is => 'ro'

is just a shortcut for

  reader => $attribute_name

so you would do something like

  has foo => (is => 'ro', writer => '_set_foo');

An attribute is actually never 'readonly' in some inherent sense -- the methods
attached to it generates may allow writing, or may not, but there's no security
layer behind those methods stopping you from setting the slot value.


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