Excerpts from Emmanuel Quevillon's message of Wed Sep 02 10:47:06 -0400 2009:
> Attribute (cut_types) does not pass the type constraint because:
> Validation failed for 'ValidCutTypes' failed with value { blunt => [
> "blunt" ] } at lib/Bio/Restriction/Analysis/FrameCutters.pm line 315
> where as it is what I specified in my subtype definition?

> subtype 'ValidCutTypes'
>   => as Dict[
>       cohesive => ArrayRef[Str],
>       blunt    => ArrayRef[Str],
>      ];

This means that both 'cohesive' and 'blunt' keys are required.  See the
Optional[] type constraint (also from Structured) if this isn't the case for


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