Hans, sorry I duped you on this message.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Hans Dieter Pearcey <h...@pobox.com>
> To: moose <moose@perl.org>
> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 8:52:02 PM
> Subject: subtyping parameterized types
>   subtype Foo, as ArrayRef[Str], where { @$_ < 5 };
> Foo is now a parameteriz*able* type, not a parameteriz*ed* type; that is,
> in theory (if the MooseX::Types decorators allow it), you can:
>   has foo_classes => (isa => Foo[ClassName]);
> since ClassName is a subtype of Str.
> This surprised me, and means that Native::Trait::Array/Hash totally don't work
> with subtypes of parameterized types.

We had a discussion about this a while back when I was adding
parameterization support to MooseX::Types.  I think this was a least of
evils, let's punt until we really understand what we want.  I
duplicated the behavior for MooseX::Types::Structured, btw, you can
reparamterize a structured type as long as you don't contradict the
existing type.  I took a similar approach to the stuff in the repo
under MooseX::Dependent.

As I said, this was the best idea we could come up with without any real use 
cases.  Seems we have one now :)

> I'm poking at this now.  Any insight is welcome.
> hdp.


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