On Sep 8, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Chris Prather wrote:

So Dieter started a thread about MooseX::Types already but I wanted to
sort out the others that had been mentioned for moving to core.

MooseX::StrictConstructor I know has been mentioned as a nice addition
to core as an optional trait, one that perhaps Core modules should

MooseX::NonMoose looks like a likely candidate as well, we've been
saying for years that Moose "just works" with non-Moose objects.

These are the ones that *I* can see looking at
http://cpants.perl.org/dist/used_by/Moose what else looks likely?


MooseX::Aliases/MooseX::MultiInitArgs come to mind. I have run into situations where I would need aliases for initialization and/or methods/attributes while refactoring bioperl code to use Moose, though I'm working on simplifying those considerably.


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