> I was getting a constraint violation that appeared to come out of nowhere.
>  It wasn't anywhere that was attempting to set the attribute or call a
> constructor.
> I couldn't tell where the error was coming from because the Moose error 
>system doesn't include the complete stack.

That kind of sounds crazy.

> By making throw_error() confess() I was able to get the complete stack and 
>tell that what was going wrong was that the attribute's value builder was 
>returning undef.

throw_error currently confesses, check Moose.pm

use Carp         'confess';
sub throw_error {
    # FIXME This
    goto \&confess

Furthermore, all sane people rely on Devel::SimpleTrace which makes
any warning or die dump the stack. I believe some of the mop and moose
set the stack level for Carp internally, and there might a problem
with that. I still interested in your problem: your example doesn't
demonstrate anything.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

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