On Mon, 9 Nov 2009, Jesse Luehrs wrote:

My concern is that the instance meta-object is actually associated with
the meta-class, not with the attribute meta-object so by pushing this in
here it will make things more confusing.

The reasoning I had for thinking it was reasonable is that the
meta-attribute already has get_value, set_value, etc, so I don't see why
it shouldn't also control the inline versions of those. It would
probably make things simpler for attributes that wanted to use a
different slot configuration than we have by default.

But isn't that what the meta-instance is for?

It seems very confusing to allow both the meta-attr _and_ meta-instance to mediate how slots are handled.

It seems like this really isn't the meta-attr's responsibility anyway. The existing get_value, set_value stuff just delegates to the meta-instance for actual slot access.

This whole thing seems somewhat wrong.

It'd really help if there was an example of where this is needed.


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