2009/12/22 Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il>:
> On Tuesday 22 Dec 2009 15:10:06 Dermot wrote:
>> 2009/12/22 Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il>:
>> > Hi Dermot!
>> Hi Shlomi,
> Hi.
>> >> package Media;
>> >>
>> >> use metaclass (
>> >>     metaclass   => 'Moose::Meta::Class',
>> >>     error_class => 'Moose::Error::Croak',
>> >> );
>> >> use Moose;
>> >> use AppConfig;
>> >> use FindBin qw($Bin);
>> >> use lib "$Bin/../";
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> has 'config'    => (
>> >>         is          => 'ro',
>> >>         lazy        => 1,
>> >>         default     => sub{ {} },
>> >>         trigger     => \&_get_config,
>> >> );
>> ...
>> > This doesn't seem to do what you want. I think you want a meaningful
>> > "default" or "builder" instead:
>> >
>> > <<<<<<<<<
>> >   builder => Str
>> >               The value of this key is the name of the method that will
>> > be called to obtain the value used to initialize the attribute. See the
>> > builder option docs in Class::MOP::Attribute and/or
>> > Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe8 for more information.
>> >
>> >> sub _get_config {
>> >>     my $self = shift;
>> >>     my $config = AppConfig->new( {
>> >>             CREATE  => 0,
>> >>         });
>> >>     $config->define('media_root',{ ARGCOUNT=> 'ARGCOUNT_ONE' });
>> >>     my $config_file = "$Bin/../media.conf";
>> >>     $self->croak("Can't open config file $config_file\n") if (! -e
>> >> $config_file);
>> >>     $config->file($config_file);
>> >>     return $config;
>> >> }
>> >
>> > Again, this should most probably be a "builder" method.
>> Okay, I'll take that advice. So now I have
>> has 'config'    => (
>>         is          => 'ro',
>>         lazy_build  => 1,
>> );
>> sub _build_config {
>>     my $self = shift;
>>     my $config = AppConfig->new( {
>>             CREATE  => 1,
>>             GLOBAL  => {
>>                     ARGCOUNT    => 1,
>>             },
>>         });
>>     my $config_file = "$Bin/../spl.conf";
>>     $self->croak("Can't open config file $config_file\n") if (! -e
>> $config_file);
>>     $config->file($config_file);
>>     return $config;
>> }
> I don't see where you've associated << _build_config >> with the 'config'
> attribute. Or is this some kind of undocumented default or a property of your
> meta-class.

>From Moose pod:
lazy_build => (0|1)
    Automatically define lazy => 1 as well as builder =>
"_build_$attr", clearer => "clear_$attr', predicate => 'has_$attr'
unless they are already defined.

so lazy_build is shorthand for

has config => ( is => 'ro', builder=> _build_foo);
sub _build_foo {}

Is will take all $attr and prepend _build_ to it and look for the
relevant method, in this case "_build_config". Least that what I took
it to mean.

>> Elkles cake....poor I know.
> What is Elkles? http://www.google.com/search?q=elkles does not seem to know. I
> know what an "Elk" is.

Eccles. I did say it was poor. Perhaps I should have said shockingly
poor and tenuous.

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