Excerpts from Steve's message of Fri Feb 26 09:21:05 -0500 2010:
> I have a class, 'UsageDetail' which takes a CSV phone call record and 
> inserts it into my database.  One of the attributes, 'WirelessNumber' 
> has dashes in it, ie: '989-555-1212'.  I don't want to store the dashes 
> in the db.  I've rtfm over and over, but I haven't been successful in 
> storing without the dashes.  I've tried subtypes, but that didn't work.  
> BTW, the values passed in to my constructor are not ONLY the 3-3-4 digit 
> format, sometimes the wireless number is 2 digits, and my WirelessNumber 
> attr. isa 'Str' currently.  Also, I can't modify the value passed into 
> my constructor, as it is used for many different tables.  Any 
> suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  subtype 'WirelessNumber', as 'Str', where { /^\d{10}$/ or /^\d{2}$/ };
  coerce 'WirelessNumber', from 'Str', via { s/-//g; $_ };


  subtype 'DashyWirelessNumber', as 'Str', where { /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/ };
  coerce 'WirelessNumber', from 'DashyWirelessNumber', via { s/-//g; $_ };

BTW, "I tried X but it didn't work" doesn't tell us very much, especially when
X is a whole category of possible approaches.  If you're more specific it's
easier to help you.


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