On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Chris Fields wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2010, at 10:57 PM, Jesse Luehrs wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 10:54:28PM -0500, Chris Fields wrote:
>>> I'm seeing an odd error popping up with the latest Moose that's killing 
>>> most of my tests.  I'm using a custom error metaclass and am seeing the 
>>> following:
>> One of the changes in version 1.05 is that error metaclasses now have to
>> inherit from Moose::Error::Default. That should probably have made it
>> into Moose::Manual::Delta, sorry about that(:
>> -doy
> Thanks doy.  Tried that and I got the same error unfortunately, but I did 
> manage to get it to work by sticking in an explicit 
> Class::MOP::load_class('Biome::Root::Error').  Notice I also explicitly load 
> the meta class (Biome::Meta::Class) in the below, not doing so also causes 
> errors (this is the Biome Moose-like sugar module):

Spoke too soon!  Now I'm seeing a brand new problem.  My custom base class uses 
Moose directly (not my Biome sugar class) to avoid recursive inheritance.  This 
gives the base class a default error metaclass of Moose::Error::Default.  If I 
do something like the following bit of code, it fails indicating the error 
metaclass doesn't match:

#     Tried to use 'Biome::Tools::IUPAC'.
#     Error:  The error metaclass for Biome::Tools::IUPAC (Biome::Root::Error) 
is not compatible with the error metaclass of its superclass, Biome::Root 
(Moose::Error::Default) at 
line 277


package Biome::Tools::IUPAC;

use Biome;
no Biome;



Oddly enough, if the above also consumes a role it appears to work just fine.  

I would assume one way to work around this is to add the error metaclass 
explicitly in the base class:


but attempting to do so doesn't work, either; in fact, the error oddly inverts: 

#     Tried to use 'Biome::Tools::IUPAC'.
#     Error:  The error metaclass for Biome::Tools::IUPAC 
(Moose::Error::Default) is not compatible with the error metaclass of its 
superclass, Biome::Root (Biome::Root::Error) at 
line 277

Any ideas?  Again, just turning off custom error classes works, but it would be 
nice to have this working.


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