When I define my packages right inside a script (like for testing), Moose 
inheritance breaks down:


use strict;
use Test::More tests => 2;

my $one = new Foo::Child;
ok($one->can('foo'), "extends"); #fails

my $two = new Foo::App;
ok($two->can('foo'), "isa"); #succeeds

package Foo;
   use Moose;
   sub foo{}; 1;
   package Foo::Child;
   use Moose; extends qw/Foo/;
   package Foo::App;
   use Moose;
   use base qw/Foo/;

I posted a month or more ago about a similar behavior with Roles. Karen 
suggested I check that I use braces properly to localize namespaces.  I didn't 
have time to do that at the time, but did now, trying all the obvious things.
Moving packages into a separate file solves the problem. 

:-) Didn't do it!

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