On Jul 15, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Kate Yoak <k...@yoak.com> wrote:

> On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Jesse Luehrs wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 10:11:04AM -0700, Karen Etheridge wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 09:28:35PM -0500, Jesse Luehrs wrote:
>>>> Nope... you can't magically turn a class (even a non-Moose class) into a
>>>> role... roles just don't work like that. Sticking with extends is really
>>>> your only option for dealing with non-Moose code.
> Thanks everybody for creative responses. I find Roles to be a wonderful 
> concept. I believe that the vast majority of the time we use inheritance, 
> what we really mean is Role. So, in a way, turning a non-moose class into a 
> Role serves an even more important cause than moosefying - it creates a 
> cleaner paradigm. So while, for now, I am sticking with inheritance, I'll add 
> it to my moose wishlist (to look at when I retire, perhaps!)
>>> I see a few options:
>>> 1. copy your framework code into a Moose role (i.e. "refactor")
>>> 2. import the functions from the framework into a Moose role, using
>>> Exporter.
>>> 3. create a Moose role which has one attribute, an object handle which is
>>> an instantiation of your framework, and use delegations (i.e. the 'handles'
>>> option) to tie methods from the role into the framework class.
>> 2 won't work, because Moose treats exports different from methods (this
>> is why you can do "use Scalar::Util 'reftype'" in two different roles
>> and not get a method conflict). And I assumed that if 1 was reasonable,
>> we wouldn't really even be having this discussion(: But it's true,
>> delegation would be another potential option.
>> -doy
> Right, (1) is not very interesting, particularly because you might as often 
> want to make a Role out of a cpan module as your own library.
> (2) could work with something like Sub::Name or other suggestions described 
> in an older thread on a similar topic:  
> http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.moose/2010/05/msg1606.html
> (3) handles has let me down :-(
> It's ok when you want to handle 2-3 methods, but not when you want true and 
> complete delegation (as in Karen's suggestion).  I really dislike the idea of 
> typing up every method name the class has implemented within handles and have 
> that be a predictable source of long debugging sessions as the code changes.  
> When I want to use complete delegation, I have, for the moment, settled on 
> AUTOLOAD.  It's a bit ugly, but I like it better when we truly mean 
> transparent delegation a la inheritance.

There are several options you can use to get around this. One is to
use a DuckType instead of a Role here. Thanks to Sartak you can pass a
duck type to handles and it will just work. This will catch typos etc.

Further down the evil chain, but less evil IMO is handles => qr/.*/
which will delegate *every* method through. Using a regex like
qr/^[^_]\w+/ should exclude private methods (starting with _) . It is
evil but less evil in my opinion thn AUTOLOAD.

Look closer at delegation again. The answers there may surprise you.


> - Kate

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