2b54d2a6b7bf40c4408ffbc117f6b6d77ee35c67 by Dave Rolsky broke this
DWIM MX::Getopt program:

    package Xailo;
    use 5.012;
    use Any::Moose;
    with any_moose('X::Getopt');

    has args => (
        documentation => "Arguments for the engine class",
        isa           => 'HashRef',
        coerce        => 1,
        is            => "ro",
        default       => sub { +{} },

    sub run {
        my ($self) = @_;

        say "$_ = $self->{args}{$_}" for sort keys %{ $self->{args} };

    package xailo;


    foo = bar
    this = that


    Attribute (args) does not pass the type constraint because:
Validation failed for 'HashRef' with value foo at
line 746

Can this be made to work instead of dying? Perhaps a coercion needs to
be added to MooseX::Getopt?

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