> with ::Role:: being in the middle of the name, rather than at the
> beginning or at the end.

Again, I'm not sure this answers anything at all. Would it make more
sense to put ::Moose:: in the package name of classes that used Moose
internally? If no, why? What is your opinion if someone creates a
WiX3::XML::Tag that is non-Role Moose class. I'm just not sure why
people want this. If people want to shop for roles that they can use
to enhance their Moose classes, why not just add the functionality
into search.cpan, or Meta.yml. ... What if the Role is some how
fundamentally more often useful as a Trait? Should it be published as

it just seems like we're using package names to store random crap
about the module that has nothing to do with the *name* of the module
and is much better inferred and indexed on the content of the module.
Being a Trait has very little to do with the *function* of the module.
A Trait isn't all that far from any other module that uses SubExporter
for method-install. Should we give those a separate namespace?

Evan Carroll - m...@evancarroll.com
System Lord of the Internets
web: http://www.evancarroll.com
ph: 281.901.0011

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