On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 19:50:12 +0200
Brian ROONEY <brian.xb.roo...@stericsson.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> How does one get the helper traits for a parameterized type?  Here I
> am using the helper: Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash
> For HashRef
> The hash actually contains parameterized CodeRefs so I would like to
> use: Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Code
> For CodeRef
> Is this possible?
> Thanks
> has 'actions' => (
>       traits                  => ['Hash'],
>       is                      => 'rw', 
>       isa                     => 'HashRef[CodeRef]',  
>       required                => 0,
>       handles   => {
>           set_actions         => 'set',
>           get_actions         => 'get',
>           delete_action       => 'delete',
>           keys_actions        => 'keys',
>           exists_action       => 'exists',
>           defined_action      => 'defined',
>           values_actions      => 'values',
>           pairs_actions       => 'kv',          
>           elements_actions    => 'elements',
>           clear_actions       => 'clear',
>           num_actions         => 'count',          
>           has_no_actions      => 'is_empty',
>           accessor_actions    => 'accessor',        
>       }, 
> );

Did you try it and see?

package Foo;
use Moose;

has 'bar' => (
    traits      => ['Hash'],
    is          => 'ro', 
    isa         => 'HashRef[CodeRef]',
    default     => sub { +{} },
    handles     =>
        set_actions => 'set',
        get_actions => 'get',

no Moose;

package main;

my $foo = Foo->new();
$foo->set_actions('Baz', sub { print "Yahoo!\n"; });
$foo->set_actions('Flarg', sub { print "Zoom!\n"; });
$foo->set_actions('Yarg', 'Some random string'); # errors here;

Value Some random string did not pass container type constraint
line 84
'Yarg', 'Some random string') called
line 124 Foo::set_actions('Foo=HASH(0x1ee5400)', 'Yarg', 'Some random
string') called at /tmp/example.pl line 25 



Nicholas Perez
XMPP/Email: n...@nickandperla.net

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