I had a look at the "Frost" currently on CPAN. While I've only looked at the Frost.pm docs and glanced over the file manifest, I'd say that this looks like a significant entry that you spent some time on. In particular, it is documented in an entertaining way that seems to communicate well what it does and how it works.

As for the name, I recommend you stick with the top-level name "Frost", as you are using now. I can't think of any more-appropriate name than that.

Also, I would be interested in your comparison between KiokuDB and Frost.

-- Darren Duncan

Ernesto wrote:
Dear fans of Elks and Mooses,

here is a module making your favorite pets persistent.

It's called Frost - Feasible Referential Object STorage.

Frost is an extension of Moose providing persistence even to circular

There are not many docs yet, but for an introduction please read the
fairy tale on http://dienstleistung-kultur.de/frost/Frost.html  ;-)

Frost is not yet on CPAN, but can be downloaded via its homepage:

Before publishing Frost on CPAN, I'd like to ask some questions:

1. Is the module's name OK?

Frost will be a top-level entry, but I think, it doesn't fit into DB*,
nor is it an extension to put under MooseX - please advice.

2. Is the distribution tar.gz OK?

Nothing missing, correct structured, installable etc.?

And as always: Every hint to make Frost faster, simpler and smaller is


Ernesto 8-)

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