On 28.1.2011 22:35, Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:
On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 22:17:24 +0100, Jiří Pavlovský<j...@getnet.cz>  wrote:
subtype MaybeSubject =>   as 'Maybe[Subject]';
coerce 'MaybeSubject'
=>   from 'Subject'

It actually is.

=>   from 'Str'

The first posted version was result of my random attempts to get it working. 
Sorry for the confusion

=>   via {
      my $sanitized =sanitize_input($_);

This doesn't make any sense to me.

Otherwise I get an error that attribute cannot have coearcion unless its
type has coearcion.
If your answer to "why are you doing this" is "otherwise I get an error", you
don't understand what you're doing and you're probably doing it wrong.

Finally, Maybe[Anything] is often a design smell, and using Maybe in coercions
even more so.  Why do you need the possibility of undef?

Well, the attribute can be unset, so what else can I do? Defaulting to empty string?

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