>From: Steve <st...@matsch.com>
>To: "moose@perl.org" <moose@perl.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:50 AM
>Subject: OO Design Principles/Patterns
>As someone who arrived somewhat late to the OO game, I have take every 
>opportunity to learn some of the principles of OO design and use.  I have been 
>using Moose for a couple of years, primarily in the context of Catalyst and 
>HTML::FormHandler.  Lately though, I am studying the book 'Design Patterns - 
>Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software', which comes highly recommended 
>in OO land.
>I am wondering if anyone in the Moose community is: 1) aware of the book, 2) 
>used the patterns with Moose, and 3) has taken time to write about 
>implementing some of the patterns with Moose.
>The only thing I've seen referenced is how Moose 'almost' can be used to 
>create an abstract class with roles.  This might be good subject matter for a 
>book on Moose!

Dear Steve,

I sorta started a project like this once, but got lazy and never got 
past https://metacpan.org/release/Patterns-ChainOfResponsibility (not sure if 
that is the most awesome example of the CoR pattern either)

I think the thing was I started to think that those patterns, while 
interesting, are not universally applicable to all languages and styles.  For 
example, a lot of the patterns seem to be to be how to make flexible code when 
you are using a statically compiled languages.  As a result I figured it would 
be better to wait a few years and see just exactly how people use Moose to good 
effect.  Perhaps the community is starting to approach that critical knowledge, 
although I doubt I have it!

I guess even so, having such a thing would not be a bad exercise, and serve as 
a good bit of advocacy as well as help form a bridge for programmers coming 
from other languages.


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