Hi there.
I'm new at moose@perl.org and just like to know how you use to represent a
Moose::Role in a UML diagram? Just like an ordinary class and <<type>>?
Thiago Glauco Sanchez
Tec. Telecom. Pl. - Petrobras SA
ITIL, MCSO, ECS ( Routing, Wireless, Switching )
tel: 55 11 3523-9756
rota: http://ltp.petrobras.com.br

"Blaming the network is easy. The network touches everything. Businesses
assume that the network will work perfectly and make decisions accordingly.
A user can’t open that 900MB Excel spreadsheet on the file server on
continent from his 20th-century PC? Network problem. A website in
is slow? Network problem. A user can’t get a faster response over a
33.6Kbps modem? Network problem." 
"O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento. Cabe 
ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida autorização, 
a divulgação, a reprodução, a distribuição ou qualquer outra ação em 
desconformidade com as normas internas do Sistema Petrobras são proibidas e 
passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal."
"The sender of this message is responsible for its content and addressing. The 
receiver shall take proper care of it. Without due authorization, the 
publication, reproduction, distribution or the performance of  any other action 
not conforming to Petrobras System internal policies and procedures is 
forbidden and liable to disciplinary, civil or criminal sanctions."
"El emisor de este mensaje es responsable por su contenido y direccionamiento. 
Cabe al destinatario darle el tratamiento adecuado. Sin la debida autorización, 
su divulgación, reproducción, distribución o cualquier otra acción no conforme 
a las normas internas del Sistema Petrobras están prohibidas y serán pasibles 
de sanción disciplinaria, civil y penal."

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