I've tried everything we mentioned here but nothing really helps with Mootools' OOP... No IDE or editor + plugin can understand what a Mootools class is. I can learn by heart all of the Mootools core function (there arent too many anyway) but cant remember all the properties and functions in one class I wrote... That's why I (and we) need a Mootools OOP supported IDE.
- Re: [Moo] Why don't we create a Mootools... Oskar Krawczyk
- Re: [Moo] Why don't we create a Mootools IDE Barry van Oudtshoorn
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Mootools IDE Ren Yushiro
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Mootools... fakedarren
- Re: [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a ... Trevor Orr
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a... fakedarren
- Re: [Moo] Re: Why don't we ... Pete Duncanson
- Re: [Moo] Why don't we create a Mootools IDE Thomas Aylott
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Mootools IDE Ren Yushiro
- Re: [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Mootools... Roman Land
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Mootools... Ren Yushiro
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a Moot... Ren Yushiro
- Re: [Moo] Re: Why don't we crea... chone
- [Moo] Re: Why don't we create a... orefalo
- Re: [Moo] Why don't we crea... Barry van Oudtshoorn
- RE: [Moo] Why don't we crea... Matthew Hazlett
- Re: [Moo] Why don't we create a Mootools IDE Barry van Oudtshoorn