> You really should use the "Moo way" of doing things. It will make things a
> lot easier in the long run when programs get more complex.

Your Moo-ified adjustment doesn't work in IE.

onChange  doesn't  fire  in  IE  until  the  element is blurred.  It's
possible  to  fire  blur()  manually, then re-focus() to preclude user
astonishment...   however,  that  path is unnecessarily cumbersome and
best practice from MS is to use (or wrap) click events.

Think  it's  also useful to work frameworkless once in a while (that's
the  way  the original Fiddle was set up, and I know Matthew knows Moo

Anyway, Moo + cross-browser: http://jsfiddle.net/sanford/CBcFn/5/

-- S.

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