The specs for Behavior stuff are really easy to author. The test is
basically an HTML example that should instantiate your class and the unit
tester verifies that it does. You can then make additional assertions.

I'll grant that my testing environment has grown a bit esoteric, but it is
at least easy to install.

$ git clone git://
$ cd mootools-development
$ git checkout behavior
$ ./install
$ ./go run
//then open http://localhost:9876

Regarding your proposed additions to the project, they are most welcome. In
particular, there are features in Bootstrap 2.0 that I have no code for
(scrollspy, the carousel, typeahead, collapse). I have a behavior for
Harald's autocompleter, so that just needs to be update to use Bootstrap's
DOM. Carousel's take about 10 minutes to author, and collapse == accordion.
It's just that I haven't needed these components and haven't had the time
to author them, their tests, the docs, and the demos.

But any and all changes are welcome. I'm more likely to include them if
they update the docs and demos. If unit tests are the only thing that you
guys can't get to and the rest is there I'm still more likely to pull it as
those don't take me much work. Example unit test:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:13 AM, Dimitar Christoff <>wrote:

>  @Dimitar, are you planning adding yours to Aaron's? Would be neat to
>> complete it.
> I am currently working with Simon Smith on mootstrap-tabs as well - then
> will see if I can actually sort it with a pull request as Aaron suggested.
> The idea was is to unify my individual plugins under one repo but that's
> kind of what the Aaron port already does.
> The problem is, I tend to use Buster.js for testing and the other specs
> etc Aaron uses are not familiar to me so I'd have to do some rewrites /
> fixes but it's not too-far fetched.
> Best regards
> --
> Dimitar Christoff
> "JavaScript is to JAVA what hamster is to ham"
> | @D_mitar | 

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