> http://felixge.de/2013/03/11/the-pull-request-hack.html

Interesting post. It at first seems radical, but on further reading
Felix is clear that he means that quality, bug-free code is a
prerequisite for committer status -- and that status can still be
revoked. So while it's less despotic than the way some projects are
currently run, there are still those who make the rules and whose who
must obey them (I'm not saying this is a bad thing, just stating it).

As Aaron notes, there's a sticking point of code style and that, to
some degree, stands alone from code quality. It isn't a good idea to
bend code style just to get bug fixes in. If style rules are not
formally stated anywhere (and I mean a _lengthy_ explanation) I'd
hesitate to directly commit because I have my own approach to most
anything (beyond my love of ternary expressions, which I can suspend,
there are plenty of outright obsessions). 

I would add that beyond code style and quality are wider project
traditions-cum-standards. I have recommended previously that people
look at the PHP Internals list so you can see that this major
open-source product emerges from a mixture of individual wins,
collaborative wins and bitter collaborative fails. We have run-ins
over the RFC voting process, the commenting process, pluralities and
majorities, you name it. And when it comes to features themselves, we
often debate what PHP "is," and what it "is not," and the verdict is
up to the oldest-timers and their choice can sound more like a grudge
than divine wisdom. (They are also due credit for so much of the
modern online experience, so this is not to take anything away from
them as they are -- or should be -- legends. Perhaps the fact that
youngsters respect Resig more than Rasmus forms part of the grudge.)

In this light, I point you to the most recent active issue on the
MooTools issue tracker. A user has noted that Core.Browser is broken
in one well-demonstrated mobile scenario. A core dev has said that
Core.Browser, which relies on navigator.userAgent, is deprecated
enough that it will not be updated; the implication is that neither a
pull request nor a self-commit would be allowed into the repo.
Won't-fixing a non-security bug in a deprecated module is definitely
sound. But what if we want to un-deprecate it at the same time that we
fix it? AFAIK, there is no community voting process for un-deprecating
a feature, so the idea of community committers is stopped in its
tracks by cases like this. Please understand that I see why the issue
was won't-fixed; I am just trying to broaden the discussion so that we
don't get too far ahead of ourselves with the new "UberOpenMoo" idea.
There are many, many rules and regs to think of.

-- S.


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