Whilst this is all true, it should be negated by your access authentication and authorisation schema: no bot should have permission to change anything, because no non-authorised user has permission to change anything.

On 15/04/2013 05:11, Sanford Whiteman wrote:
Hartum, something else to keep in mind: JSONP implies GET, and GET should be 
implemented as a safe method (safe == not substantively altering server state 
-- think updates to transactional databases).

This guideline should be followed _whether or not_ you are sending stuff like 
'&simulate_method=PUT' to clue in your back end, because it's not enough to 
clue in your back end, you also have to take into account a front end like a 
spider/accelerator/proxy/inspector that could silently replay GET requests (which 
are actually PUTs) and cause harm.

In other words, gatewaying updates over JSONP is possible but should be 
avoided; it should be for queries only. (True, redoing an emulated PUT is less 
harmful than repeating a POST, since PUT should be implemented as idempotent so 
you can't get duplicates. Still, plenty of havoc can ensue.) YMMV depending on 
how much you control the ecosystem.

-- S.


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