Title: Message
You bring up a real sticky point with shipping outside the U.S. -- which is the deal with insurance. It is true that with Air Letter Post and Global Priority Mail that the USPS will not allow you to insure those packages. Why? I have no idea. It makes no sense, to me. But if a buyer outside the U.S. wants their package insured, they have to be prepared to pay big time for it, because there is no way to ship reliably outside the U.S. with insurance that is not horribly expensive.
Actually, they WILL let you insure regular first class mail to most, not all, countries -- so there is a low-cost insured option, but it is something most sellers (including myself) simply won't use because it can easily take 4 to 8 weeks for a package to get anywhere using this "service".
And Insurance ties in with the customs problem. If you insure a package you have to declare the value for insurance coverage purposes -- the value declared for insurance must match the value you have placed on the customs form -- and so the buyer is going to get hit for full declared value in customs fees (which, as we've heard people testify, are obscene). And slapping an insurance sticker on a package is the same thing as writing in big letters with a black marker: "Dear Customs Officials -- Please Take Note of This Package and Charge All Fees!!!"
Basically, I ship overseas a lot and I can get my packages to my buyers fast and safe with Global Priority for $10 -- but I normally can't and don't insure the package and the buyer has to understand that they are taking that chance -- I clearly state in my auctions and my invoices that I am cannot and will not be responsible for anything that happens to the package after I hand it over to the post office. Which is the simple truth, after all.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 8:46

Grrrr!  I just noticed (going back to the Rate Calculator on the USPS site after my elaborate post on the subject a few minutes ago) that the actual one-pound rate for a normal-size package, Airmail Letter Post (regular airmail), to Canada is only $3.75.  [I'd swear it used to be a good deal more when I started doing this - as it still is to the UK ($8.70) and other points across the pond.]  
This being the case, though, I will discontinue charging extra for flat packages sent regular mail to Canada - although they will lack the included insurance coverage that comes with domestic shipping (insurance is not an option with Airmail Letter Post).  For insurance, Express Mail will still be necessary (~$17.50).
Cheers again.

J T Merrill
PBear's Posters & Stuff
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