Title: AOL Email
Sorry, I consider the phone number way too invasive for this type of transaction. If it were me and I had zero feedback I would:
a) Pass on your auction, figuring  you were being way too uptight about the whole deal -- by the way, you don't really explain "why" you want zero-feedback bidders to check in with you this way. I would at least explain that you have had a lot of problems with zero-feedback bidders not paying in the past. You have, right? Had a lot of problems, I mean?
b) If I really wanted to bid on the item bad, I would send you my name and address -- because as you say I would have to do that anyway if I won -- but I would send you a false phone number.  You would not know -- I'm sure you don't call just to see if I've given you a false phone number.
...and, incidentally, if I were just a prankster looking to mess with your auctions, I'd send you a false name, address and phone number and just go ahead and screw with you anyway. In fact... consider this: If I were one of these asshole juvenile pranksters that Freeman talks about  --  I might read your notice and take it as a challenge and decide to screw with you just because you're making such a big deal about it! Some sociopath types think this way, you know.
So, I don't see how your requirement is really "protecting" you in any meaningful way -- and, like I say, if it was me with zero feedback looking at your auction... unless I really wanted it bad, I'd just take a pass and move on to the next auction.
I do not want a bunch of strangers knowing my phone number, particularly when there's really no reason for them to know it. I do not provide my phone number to those who buy from me, unless some unusual circumstance requires it. I do not expect people I buy from to ask for my phone number -- again, not unless there is a darn good reason.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 13:07
Subject: [MOPO] zero feedback bidders, clarification from Dave at CineMasterpieces

Hello all,
Let me clarify some things.
I welcome zero feedback bidders. Like it says in my auctions plain as day "ANYONE CAN BID ON THIS ITEM". I'm just requiring the zeros to "register" with me first. Bruce does this on his major auctions, Sotheby's, Christie's, and every other professional auction house requires it....so whats the difference? As long as its done politely like I do and I explain why I have the policy to them I see no problem. If a zero feedback bidder truly has good intentions and isn't some kid messing around, then they have no problem with my policy.
I never said they have to CALL me, they just have to provide me with a valid name, address, and phone number. By email or phone...its their choice. If they win the auction they are going to have to provide this information anyway, so it is not invasive. Some may consider asking for a phone number to be invasive. Well, thats a judgment call.
Can you imagine if people were allowed to stroll into Sotheby's in the middle of an auction and start bidding anonymously without registering? Ebay allows this, I'm just leveling the playing field a little.
And as far as buying from zero feedback sellers, I've only done it once, can't even remember what it was for, but if I had got screwed I would definitely remember it so I'm sure it was a pleasant transaction.
Anyone can bid on this item, however, those with ZERO feedback must contact us with a valid name, address, and phone number before bidding or their bids will be cancelled."
If zero feedback bidders bid anyway, then I kindly send them this email:

"Hello there, Thank you for bidding on my xxxxx Poster. I'm not sure if you read my auction description, but I have a policy that states that bidders with zero feedback must contact me before bidding or their bids will be cancelled. This is due to prior experience I've had with non paying bidders. Sorry about this. Please contact me as soon as possible by email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or phone (xxx xxx-xxxx). You must provide me with a valid name, address and phone number. If I don't hear from you I will be forced to cancel your bid. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, David A. Lieberman, CineMasterpieces.


If I don't here from them, then I cancel their bid.

David Lieberman
480 607 9700
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