yes Truth is much starnger than fiction folks.. I havent even wanted to post because I 
cant beleve the story myself.. In case you have folllowed my ebay ads seller Id -dream 

i have packed listed and sold about 3 large truck fulls over like a month. People have 
flown here from as far as NYC.  Well My ex has got the verdict from the eviction Judge 
and Im  Evicted. I asked for 30 days more so i could list as I have about two truck 
full left.. but ex wanted more money and no garantee for that priviledge.. so I am 
packing whats left and moving to a new area or storage and then will list hopefully. 
lot of work to do but perhaps its the best idea as this has been very stressfull and 
rushed. I  was happy with the results for such a quick sale and  got some nice buyers.

I have earned so much about patience, and believe it or not , I still believe theres a 
I have learned that hes not on my shedule im on his and thats hard to accept and ive 
lost faith
maybe 3,286 times dureing this.. Ive cursed Life, and wanted to give up.. then 
Christopher Reeves died and I thought wait... that man had a tougher battle then me 
and he still tryed and did so much to inspire others.. so I would be disrespecting him 
and all others that have tryed to make life better for Humanity if I give up.
so I will fight in spite of all that would cripple us.. for My son and for anyone that 
has ever needed a purpose to carry on. I may be the worlds largest fool but ths fool 
is going to try to
do something positive.
and I have been blessed by many so there is hope , Ive met some great buyeres who 
bought stuff.

and some wierd stuff was I said on Mopo Rodney Dangerfield might buy my trademark, 
well that wont be happening soon... who would have guessed of all people I would say 
RIP Rodney.. .

But the other day some guy from california emailed me and asked is the trademark still 
for sale.?? I said is the Pope Catholic? do bears sh** in the woods..? so i get a call 
and the Guy says hes a producer or somethhing talking to Mel Gibsons company about a 
new project and they might want the name... something about shows and investors.. I 
have no idea what its about,,
so Im thinking... yeah right..  Mel Gibson...

That would just about complete the story.. wouldnt it??  what would you think?  . well 
after Mrs . Miniver I have a hard time thinking anyone  has a genuine interest.. at 
the same time, Mel Gibson would be Ok with me. but  i am assumeing its a joke. so dont 
think Im sitting here waiting for Mel to call//
However i did tell the Guy I would like to Give Mel my Cecil B Demille letter because 
I thought he was brave to overcome all the adversity of the Passion.. so we will see.

thanks everyone for the concern for my Son. hes been having a stressful time but has 
been hanging in there waiting for pops to get a plan.

so far the plan has been .. get rid of stuff, and find a place to go.

Big plan hey?

If I sound like Im a bit unsure Consider this.. Im sure if John F. Kennedy would have 
known that Day

in Dallas that someone would shoot him  he would have made new plans.. same with John 
Lennon.. he would have taken a differant path home.. they were smart fellows and me ???

so we all really know so little of whats ahead no matter who we are,, where we are. so 
thats why

just waking up and walking for me is a miracle. So in a way Im thankful that I have 
what I have

because many have less. So thats been my biggest lesson to try to learn to be thankful 

everything.  So thanks to everyoneon mopo and B-list for everything!

may all your sorrows be lifted and made in beautiful things! More news as it happens

yes i have movie posters folks lots of them..

best, Tom


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