Your listings look fine on my Mac running OS X 10.3.5 in both Mozilla
1.7.3 and Safari 1.2.3, the two browsers I use the most.  All the
images appear for each auction item so this problem appears to be
restricted to Windows.  Probably not much help to you as so many
people still use Windows, but interesting nonetheless.

Colin Hunter

At 2:05 PM -0400 10/26/04, Abe Allen wrote:
Under normal circumstances, adding additional pictures would be no problem.
What happened with my listings was there were a few comment tags in my code
that were syntaxically incorrect. Comment tags are supposed to read "<!--
comment -->" or <!-- comment //-->." My tags read "<!---->." This bugged out
all browsers other than IE. I have tried to add to the description, but
there is no practical way break the table; everything that I add gets
trapped in the table with the bad comment tags, so no one using an alternate
browser can see what I add. It is a miserable situation... it cost me 10
hours + to figure it out.



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