Hey Tom

How dare you reveal my plan to all and sundry on MOPO?  Now everyone will
want to open up the same thing?   Foiled again.    'Tea and Sympathy' will
never see the light of day now!!!

"Shelly Whitworth-King... will  still be plotting to come to America and
open  a chain of  self help bookshops along with a tea shop.. open 24/7"

You little rascal!


----Original Message Follows----
From: Tom Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] [MOPO  Posters, frebees. and ponderings and
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 23:02:00 -0500

hello fellow Mopoers and people at Large.

Update-  I am still at 1842 Sylvania , still working and still-
Hollywood Dream factoryŽ

after selling 3 -4 truckfulls and looking atbuying , selling Moving and
packing around

250 boxes ONLY lik 1/3  I decided.. Ok Ill pay Double rent and commit to
at least 6 months

and maybe even buy back My Building and stay.  so at this pointI have
some orders and now I have mystery Boxes spread all over as I forgot to
label them//   I need to take the crown from all mopo Goofs of the
millenium// I need the titl for my self esteem//

Ok.. believe it or not people on ebay liked my last go around.. so I
will attempt another if I get

these orders done in time..  " sound like dejavU?"  yep.. Ok      so as
to Mopo happenings..

I wish to  wish Eugene Hughes , peace, and comfort in his time of
sadness, If I can help in any way
let me know.  Perhaps if we all rallied to help himwith support instead
of threatening him with abuse because he has fallen on hard times he
wouldnt be in the frame of mind he was.
from what i heard he was sick, had deaths, and was haveing woes and
probably bery depressed.

I can relate.

Ok.. Amanda- need stuff Ok organize something , give a adrees Ill send stuff.... sell it... help someone.. this year My personal choice is the Bammboosy Tribe of east Africa.. I want to see fleas eliminated and these people need a start.. so please Give what ou can to them.. Oh they dont have a PO Box so you may need to just drop a bottle in the ocean and hope it gets there.

OK  Donnie.  well  Just keep being You and thats OK..entertaining,, and

David Kusom0to- the Dragon Of San Diago- You too.. when not
fleeingForest fires like a Godzilla movie leaving behind youur posters..
you can raise tar of the highway with your Japenese enhanced Poly tech
enhanced Humor..

Freeman.,, well you just are the life of a party handsdown..  I am
gigleing just to think of you
letting loose.

Claude.. well........ you should have a tv show like Judge Judy....  you
are the hoot

Sue Heim... I want Don King to get you and Joe Hernandez a fight in pay
fer view... Ill even Buy a tickey

Olsen... well....??.nuf said....

Vicki.... i predict Bruce will be working for U in a year..

Bruce... You will soon be to posters what wal mart is to K mart

all You ebayGuys like; Rix ,Movie legends..etc.... and others like that... You will soon be..:

heck do i look like Nostardamous??    You will live long and prosper...

Joe Bonelli will own Broadway with a one man man show..

 Scott will be promoted to Homeland securit advisor and ammbassodor to

JR will in a very bold move...join forces with Sears  and Kmart and Buy

Kirby will become desk editor of wall street journal and open a chain of
Popeyes Chicken.

 Hertage and  Grey Smith will   send a satillite into orbit and have the
1st mind telepathy

auctions on the planet and revolutionize  bidding//

Bruce Hershenson will release a "best of Bruce book series".. that will
take a entire UPS truck to deliver , and will be free with every
purchase Of a original 1 sheet from The MUMMY.

Also it will be discovered that Bruce is really Willie Nelsonand lives
in MO so he can commute
to Bramson, MP to his real gig..

Greg Douglas...well he will become the new father of scifi and monster films. and will start a cult

of woman in Calfornia that only purpose is to show hom omages of art and
feed hime grapes..

he will also release a new CD... called;" I still Remember what that
cross eyeed Santa did to me"
also know as ; " here Comes Santa Clause .. again! "

Shelly Whitworth-King... will  still be plotting to come to America and
open  a chain of  self help bookshops along with a tea shop.. open 24/7

JudithWeaver- will find Osama bin Laden... and Kick his ass ...plus make
him pay all her ebay fees for 10 years!!!!!!!

 Zeev , Debi, and  Ira.. will hold a mensch convention.. and solve
world issues and make people happy..

lets see who else??? well the rest will no doubt support the antics of
the rest..

Like kathy Martin Klauer From aledo.... she will But the theater Nation
amusements an d give mopo free tickets!!

Adrian from UK  will keep the peace overseas..and are aussie mates will
keep heckleing us from the saftey of thier  eucylyptus leaved HUTS!

the French...? well....they will stay the same// OUI???  and the
Germans... well... we would have no quality stuff without them//

other than that.... Happy thankgiving.. love to all.. especially the
ones that are depressed, pissed off and Hurt.  . I hope You get a great
best, Tom


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