thoughst for Today..a day of Turkeys and rest...

I have done little today... slept in.. ate some food... and turned on TV..

oK... some how I landed on the country channell... CMT... now years ago like
73 I played in

some country bands,, as a way to make 25.00 a night...

Now I see  Loretta Lynn doing a video with Jack white from red stripes..  wow
have tims changed.

also I finally figured out where all the rockers went... COuntry Music//.. I
mean every song

was a combo of religous , politics, with a 70s 80s lead sole on top. I am
serious every sone is about patrisim... or not taking it No more.. drinking
with a buddyheart broke, losss, and dogs croakin..

I tried to imagine someone with a la vally girl voicw sinun Cuntry..  as You
have to have 1.) a cowboy hat 2.) a drawl/..  or they bannsh you... My
childhood friend hauls these people around in a hank williams ,
dixie chicks, and Brittany.. to name afew... he says he eats well and gets
like 3500 a week plus 5 star rooms..

well......maybe Cuntry is in my Future,,:) also a Movie fan that came in my
shop and colled Loretta is now her fan club wevsite manager.. Grant lives in
Toleddo..... now aint that special..!

ahh,, also I never watch sports but I heard Mccartney was going o be on the
superboowl...sso here i sat watching like 15 mins of Dallas ad the bears
thinking it was the superbowl...

then I though what if we all did something unusual for like One day.. like
opposite of what we do.. and se how others live.. I mean these football games
are npnstop showbiz and marketing..
or what about the chairfight in detroit??  what the hecks that about?? at
least on b or Mopo people jsut quitthe list and gripe... when we start
throughing chairs its all over..
if you stop and look all around...mankind makes freaks look normal at this

Like my ex went to a sale this am at 5:00 am to get a 20 inch color tv for
69.00 ... Ok she said

people almost rioted..  she was pushe under a table skinned her knee... and
all that to save like 30.00///   I dont get it.  so then she gets it bak here
and says its too big..!  so now she gave it to my son and he gave here one to
put in the basement...5 tvs.. for 3 people.. _ I dont get it...
i watch very little Tv. so that leaves a 2-1 ratio... same with Phones.. I
refuse to get a cell.

what are these cell people talking about???????? hell// I am add and cant
think of much more then Food, art , and women!  please tell me they have some
deep discussion on these CELLS!!!

Oh and i tried to see that Movie theater how on history channel//  couldnt
find it... so i ended up

watching  like how.. a shell is made...   boring..

ok.....Movie news... I am have ing a GUT feeeling the aviotor will KICK BUTT..

No its not true I am Hughes Illigitamate son... call Summa and they will tell
you I am not On a trust fund and dont even like to FLY... i was not a medical
experiment Gone awry and even If Howard was like me that means Nothing..
however,,,, the aviator sounds cool... i dont tell people to see movies but
this one seems

also I got a order from Treei Howard Huges In Texas.. and thats a good omen...
even though fed ex lost it for my1st beef with Ground. ever...
so Hopefully she will have it in a few days..

Plus lets Face it Martin Scorsese makes Good  films.. most the time......

nay the bird of paradise fly up Your nose..

ever notice that Roger williams songs like "king of the road "are damn good??

and lastly I hope all B-list nd mopoers get along during this season of

Bless You all,


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